
Experience the Magic of Renewed Skin with Our Revolutionary Needle Therapy

Embrace a glowing complexion with our Microneedling Treatment at Rogue Revitalize- Luxury IV, Wellness, and Beauty Bar. This innovative skincare solution harnesses the body's natural healing mechanisms, promoting collagen production to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. Our expert team uses fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, triggering a healing response that rejuvenates and refreshes your complexion. Whether you're aiming for smoother texture, reduced scarring, or a youthful glow, our Microneedling Treatment can be tailored to meet your unique skincare goals. Begin your journey towards radiant, luminous skin with us in Medford, OR. Your path to enhanced beauty starts here.

a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon .

Our Microneedling Treatment Process

Microneedling serves as one of the best processes in the quest for perfect skin. This innovative, non-surgical treatment works its magic on various skin concerns, breathing new life into your skin for a refreshed and rejuvenated look. No more stubborn acne scars, fine lines, or uneven texture – with Microneedling Treatment, you can embrace a smooth, healthier complexion.

The Microneedling process is swift and carefully administered. After an initial consultation to understand your unique skincare needs, our team of experts will prepare for the microneedling session. The treatment area on your skin is cleansed, and a device with fine needles is used to create micro-injuries in your skin. This requires precision, ensuring we target only the problem areas, leaving other areas untouched.

Post-treatment, you may experience slight redness or swelling at the treatment site, but these are temporary and usually subside within a few days. What you are left with is a radiant complexion and smoother, youthful skin texture. At Rogue Revitalize- Luxury IV, Wellness, and Beauty Bar, we believe in enhancing your appearance subtly and boosting your confidence. Embark on a journey towards a more radiant, vibrant, and youthful you with Microneedling Treatment. It's time to let your skin tell a story of youth and vitality.


  • $395/ treatment
  • Buy a package of 6 treatments (recommended) for $2000, that’s over $60 off per treatment !

Benefits of Microneedling Treatment

Uncover the transformative benefits of this skin rejuvenation therapy. This innovative skincare solution promotes collagen production, reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars, and enhances your complexion. Experience the confidence of a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance with our tailored treatment.

  • Improved Skin Texture

    One of the most significant benefits of Microneedling Treatment is the improvement it brings to your skin's texture. By stimulating the production of new skin cells, this treatment can significantly smoothen your skin and impart a radiant glow, enhancing your overall complexion.

  • Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles

    This treatment is highly effective in stimulating collagen production, a vital protein for maintaining skin elasticity. Increased collagen can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a refreshed, youthful appearance.

  • Enhanced Skin Tone

    Uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation can be effectively addressed with Microneedling Treatment. By promoting the renewal of skin cells, the treatment can help even out skin tone and improve complexion, resulting in healthier, more vibrant skin.

  • Minimally Invasive

    As a non-surgical procedure, Microneedling Treatment is minimally invasive, making it a preferred choice for many. With a shorter recovery time compared to surgical alternatives, you can return to your routine quickly while still enjoying the benefits of enhanced skin health and aesthetics.

  • Better Absorption of Skincare Products

    Microneedling, a revolutionary skincare treatment, works by creating minuscule channels within the skin's surface. These tiny punctures, although virtually painless, significantly enhance the absorption and efficacy of skincare products. The process allows serums, creams, and lotions to bypass the outer layer of the skin, enabling them to penetrate deeper and deliver their active ingredients more effectively. 

a woman is touching her face with her hand and smiling .

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigate your journey to flawless skin with our FAQ section focused on Microneedling Treatment. Uncover detailed answers about this innovative skincare solution, from understanding its benefits to learning about the procedure. Dive deeper into how this treatment can transform your complexion and enhance your path to radiant beauty.

  • Are there any side effects with Microneedling Treatment?

    Absolutely, as with any skincare treatment, there can be potential side effects associated with Microneedling Treatment. These are typically minimal and temporary. After the treatment, you may experience some redness or swelling in the treated area, which can feel similar to a mild sunburn. These symptoms are part of the body's natural healing process as it responds to the micro-injuries created during the treatment. 

    However, these symptoms should subside within a few days. At Rogue Revitalize- Luxury IV, Wellness, and Beauty Bar, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Our experienced team provides detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a comfortable recovery and to help you manage any side effects. Additionally, we're always available for post-treatment support, should you have any concerns or questions following the procedure. 

    It's important to note that individual experiences with the treatment can vary, and we're here to guide you through each step of your skincare journey. Our goal is to ensure you achieve the best possible results from your Microneedling Treatment, enhancing your skin's health and radiance.

  • How long does it take to see results from Microneedling Treatment?

    Indeed, the timeframe to see results from Microneedling Treatment can significantly vary depending on several factors. These include your specific skin type, the particular skin concerns being addressed, and your body's unique healing response. However, most patients begin to notice improvements in their skin texture and tone within a few weeks following the treatment.

    As the skin continues to produce new collagen and elastin in response to the micro-injuries caused by the treatment, further improvements can be observed over time. Typically, full results, including a more radiant complexion and reduced appearance of fine lines or acne scars, become visible a few months after the treatment. It's crucial to understand that skincare is a journey and results take time. 

    Our team at Rogue Revitalize- Luxury IV, Wellness, and Beauty Bar closely monitors your progress throughout this journey, providing guidance and adjustments as needed. We're committed to ensuring you achieve optimal results, enhancing your skin's health and radiance for a rejuvenated look.

  • Is the Microneedling Treatment painful?

    Microneedling Treatment, like many skin rejuvenation procedures, may cause some level of discomfort, but it is generally well-tolerated by our clients. At Rogue Revitalize- Luxury IV, Wellness, and Beauty Bartion during all our treatments. To alleviate any potential discomfort associated with the microneedling  Treatment, we often apply a topical anesthetic cream before the procedure. 

    This numbs the treatment area, making the process more comfortable for you. Furthermore, our team of skilled professionals is adept at performing this procedure gently and efficiently, further minimizing any discomfort. It's important to us that your experience is as comfortable and positive as possible. We're committed not only to improving your skin's health but also to ensuring your overall well-being during your visit to our facility.

  • Where can I get Microneedling Treatment in Medford, OR?

    You can access top-tier Microneedling Treatment services at Rogue Revitalize- Luxury IV, Wellness, and Beauty Bar, conveniently located at 1609 East Barnett Road, Medford, OR, 97504, US. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing quality skincare solutions tailored to your needs. 

    Whether you're looking to reduce fine lines, acne scars, or simply improve your skin's texture and tone, we're here to assist you on your path to a radiant complexion. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our Microneedling Treatment can benefit you.

Other Services

Experience the magic of transformation with our Microneedling Treatment. This innovative skincare procedure works by stimulating your body's natural collagen production, improving skin texture, and reducing the appearance of scars. Join us on a journey to enhanced skin health and embrace a radiant, youthful complexion with our expertly tailored skincare solution. Your path to flawless skin starts here.

a woman is wearing a turtleneck sweater and smiling .

Begin Your Microneedling Journey Today

Embark on a journey to flawless skin with our Microneedling Treatment in Medford, OR. This innovative treatment offers a solution for various skin concerns. Whether it's microneedling for fine lines, bunny lines treatment, or overall facial rejuvenation, our expert team is ready to guide you. The treatment works wonders for wrinkles and is an effective microneedling option for skin tightening.

Our goal is to help you achieve a youthful, radiant complexion that enhances your confidence. Don't wait to start your skincare journey. Reach out to us today and let's work together to reveal the best version of your skin.

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